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‘Twas the Night Before Finals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

‘Twas the night before Finals, when all through the dorms

Not a Walsh room was bumping, which wasn’t a norm.

The papers were written in O’Neill with great care,

In hopes that the end soon would be there.


The students were huddled all nervous in Bapst

While nightmares of chemistry was preventing all naps.

With freshman in their cubbies, and I in a room,

Had just settled down for a long night of doom.


When reading the page looking for notes

I sifted through the text to remember the quotes

Page after page I flew through the book

Trying to remember all with a quick look


The night traveled on and felt like a dash

As my carroll light kept going flash-flash

When what to my tired eyes did appear

But free coffee from Mac that would soon disappear


New energy arrived, in time to move on

To begin the cram for Calc right before dawn

Problem after problem I began

Trying to convince myself that I can


I can get through finals, it’s only a week

However it is much more nerve-racking when it’s A’s that I seek

It’s time to go back to sleep for a night’s rest

So that I can complete tomorrow’s test


By Gasson! By Delvin! By Fulton! By Mac!

By Stokes! By Lyons! By O’Neill – oh I hope I never have to go back!

To the top of the stairs! Right down to lower

Now run away run away there’s no time to go slower


Alarm set for eight as I jump in my bed

With definitions upon definitions dancing in my head

Too nervous to think how the future is bright

Even though I studied so hard on this oh so snowy night


Tomorrow is coming quite faster than it seems

My alarm starts ringing and the sun starts to beam

I jump up from my bed ready to test

Reading texts from my mom, “Just do your best”


The dreaded day has arrived, finals are here

Leaving all students to worry and miss sight of that Christmas cheer

But there is a hope, a glimmer in sky

To think of that day when you are to fly


Back home for a break to celebrate Christmas with family and friends

The best thing about finals is when it all ends


Molly is a senior at Boston College studying Communication and Political Science. She is currently a Campus Corespondent for Her Campus BC and is looking forward to writing articles! She loves to travel, hangout with her friends, and go on adventures. Her mantra is "If you are always trying to be normal, you'll never know how amazing you can be" - Maya Angelou.
Niloufar is a senior at Boston College, majoring in French and English.