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Top Ten Reasons Back to School Time Is The Best Time

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

10. You walk onto campus rocking that summertime glow


You’ve still got some time to show off that golden tan you’ve been working so hard to perfect all summer. Everyone will be wildly impressed because the last time they saw you was on the flip side of winter last semester…during finals….enough said.


9. The BC Campus is super pretty in September/October


Expect a few #gassongrams to pop up on your Instagram newsfeed, and get ready for the pretty fall leaves *sigh* BC is the epitome of a New England college in the fall that are found in all the brochures.


8. Swapping summer stories makes for awesome conversation

Everyone’s going to want to know what you did all summer, here’s your time to impress! If all you did was watch Housewives on the couch… get creative or make something up!


7. You get to decorate your new dorm room


A blank canvas! Get creative! Put your “Dorm Room Ideas” Pinterest board to work in the form of a fun collage to spice up the plain white dorm walls.


6. Back to School Fashion IS THE BEST KIND

Remember those comfy fall sweaters, scarves, and boots? Yeah, well they miss you too!


5. Tan Boys Everywhere!!!


It’s that time of year, everyone. Something about boys after a summer in the sun is too cute ;)


4. You missed going to all the BC Sports games this summer!


It’s time to throw on a maroon sweater, wave some pom poms in the air and go to a few games! Be the ultimate BC Superfan. Who’s excited for tailgating?


3. Syllabus week is GREAT


It’s all fun and games before the tests begin so enjoy it now!

2. You’re finally reunited with friends.


An end to all of the “miss you, how’s life?” texts from this summer! Let the high-pitched screaming and hugging begin all over campus.


Endless possibilities! Work hard, play hard, join clubs, make friends, go to the Plex, tailgate, heck, eat Fripps at Hillside. Do whatever makes you happy and make the most out of this year because it’ll definitely fly by!


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Meghan Gibbons is a double major in Communications and Political Science in her senior year at Boston College. Although originally from New Jersey, she is a huge fan of all Boston sports! Along with her at Boston College is her identical twin, who she always enjoys playing twin pranks with. Meghan is a huge foodie, book worm and beach bum