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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

Most single people (including myself) like to focus on the negative aspects associated with not having a boyfriend. It’s so important to know that just because you’re single doesn’t mean you’re any less special than the people who are in relationships. In fact, there are actually many perks that come with being single. Here are a few:

1. You Save Money

No need to spend extra money on birthday presents/holiday gifts for your significant other and no need to splurge on date nights.

2. You Don’t Have to Constantly Communicate with Someone

Let’s face it: it’s exhausting having to always reply to someone’s text messages. When you’re single, you don’t have to worry about responding to anyone in a timely manner!3. You Avoid Relationship Drama

Oh, Mark had coffee with his ex-girlfriend? You don’t have to worry about problems like that anymore!

4. You Don’t Have To Shave


5. You Can Spend More Time With Friends

Who doesn’t love a night out with the girls??6. You Have More Free Time

It’s so nice to have time to sit around and do nothing, without feeling like you need to be spending time with your boyfriend or girlfriend. 7. You Can Flirt With People at Parties

Flirting is SO fun and, being single, you get to take part in the action! Enjoy it.

8. You Have Some Mystery in Your Life

Maybe you’ll meet someone in a few weeks. Maybe you’ll meet someone in a few hours. Who knows! The mystery of it all is super exciting.

9. You Never Have to Compromise

You don’t have to let your partner choose where to go for dinner since you chose last time you went out!10. You Can Focus on Yourself

You want to squeeze in a workout before going out on the weekends? You want to go get your nails done during your lunch break? Do it! You don’t have to feel obligated to spend time with your significant other. Treat yourself.

So whether you’re newly single or a veteran, remember that there are so many benefits associated with being single! Enjoy this time of your life – you never know when you’ll get to be single again!













Molly is a senior at Boston College studying Communication and Political Science. She is currently a Campus Corespondent for Her Campus BC and is looking forward to writing articles! She loves to travel, hangout with her friends, and go on adventures. Her mantra is "If you are always trying to be normal, you'll never know how amazing you can be" - Maya Angelou.