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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

This week’s Campus Profile is running enthusiast Lara Lasic! Lara’s passion for running makes her truly stand out, and her incredible dedication will make you want to lace up your sneakers and head to the Plex. You’ll be inspired to start training for a race before you even finish reading this article!

Name: Lara Lasic

Hometown: Pelham, NY 

School/Year: Morrissey College of Arts & Sciences ,2018

Major: Islamic Civilizations and Society with a minor in Managing for Social Impact

Activities: BCMUN, EagleMUNC, Undergraduate Research Fellow

How did you first get into running? 

I come from a family of runners. Both my parents love long distance running and have always been huge advocates of it! 

What inspired you to train for a marathon?

In addition to my parents, I was motivated by all the hype around the Boston Marathon when I came to BC. I truly love the running culture present in Boston; it’s one of my favorite characteristics of the city! 

What was the training process like?

Very tough at times (especially the long runs in the snow during February) but incredibly worth it! 

What was the hardest part of the training?

 Honestly, for me it’s a tie between running outside when it was below twenty degrees out and windy as well as making sure to cross train properly. I think when you’re training for a long distance race, it’s often tempting to just run as much as possible. You assume that, because you’re running more, you’re naturally getting better. This is completely false; in order to perform as best as you can, it’s crucial to remember to incorporate cross training into your regime. 

Tell me about a time where you really wanted to give up, either while training or during the race.

I hit a wall at mile 17 of the race. I remember seeing the mile marker, feeling pumped and then a massive hill up ahead and just feeling completely drained. Even though I knew I had come so far, I felt incredibly exhausted by the idea of running another 9.2 miles. Actually, it seemed impossible.  I think it was then that I realized that it’s true what so many people had told me: marathons are as mental as they are physical (if not more so). In order to complete the race, I just had to push myself through it. 

Do you incorporate non-running activities into your workout routine?

Absolutely! I’m a huge fan of spin and strength training, particularly circuits.  

In your experience, what is the best way to prevent injuries?

Cross training and stretching. I cannot emphasize how crucial both of these are. It’s important to stretch after every single run, even if you’re exhausted and totally don’t feel like it. Quite honestly, both go such a long way and can make all the difference in your training as well as your overall performance.

How did your diet while you were training compare to your normal diet?

I made sure to eat as well balanced a diet as I could while I was training.  In addition, I kept myself very hydrated.  And of course, I carbo-loaded before race day! 

Any plans to run another marathon?

Absolutely! I hope to run the Boston Marathon next year (fingers crossed!) I can’t think of a better way to end my time here at BC then running past mile 21 as a senior!  

Do you have a funny/embarrassing running story?

While they have prepared me well, the hills of Boston and the surrounding area have not been kind to meI can’t tell you how many times I have tripped and fallen while running. It’s a talent of mine at this point. 

What advice would you give to people thinking about running a marathon but are too scared to sign-up? 

I think it’s important to come to terms with what you’re doing. Marathons are really intimidating: 26.2 miles is a very, very long distance. They are difficult and painful and exhausting. Honestly, 99% of the time I questioned why I was training for one.  But I’ve got to say, the feeling of crossing the finish line is absolutely unreal. As cliche as this sounds, it makes the countless hours and miles feel so worth it and I guarantee you will feel invincible. Nothing seems infeasible anymore; it’s amazing to see the confidence doing something like this brings you. Running a marathon has been one of the biggest highlights of my college career and I can’t advocate more for doing one. 




Taylor is a Junior at Boston College, majoring in Economics and minoring in English. When not writing articles for Her Campus BC, she can be found at BCMUN meetings, volunteering in the Admissions office, or taking classes at the Plex.
Molly is a senior at Boston College studying Communication and Political Science. She is currently a Campus Corespondent for Her Campus BC and is looking forward to writing articles! She loves to travel, hangout with her friends, and go on adventures. Her mantra is "If you are always trying to be normal, you'll never know how amazing you can be" - Maya Angelou.