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15 Things That Are Not Competitive At BC

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

There is no question that we have all expressed how competitive the student body is here at BC. You’ve probably heard about it in your classes, complained about it with your roommates, and even reflected on it in a discussion. Yes, academics are often driven by competitiveness, but don’t forget, here at BC, you must be the smartest, best looking, most fit, involved in every club, and still party on the weekends. Here is a list of the “little” things that BC isn’t competitive about. 

  1. How much money is left on your meal plan.
  2. Getting into the Maloney elevators every morning. (Elbows and backpacks out, anyone?)
  3. Who has the most work, because we all don’t take five classes or anything.
  4. Who spends the most time at the Plex.
  5. Who is the most involved.
  6. Who is accepted to serve others because there is no application process, right?
  7. Who holds the most doors.
  8. Getting a spot in Bapst or O’Neill (not even during finals).
  9. For that matter, getting a booth in the Reading Room- talk about jackpot!
  10. And getting a classroom during study days? You’re a champ if you do.
  11. Whose parents have the best tailgate spot.
  12. Housing, anyone?  
  13. Who has the best fake, and thus can actually go out on a Thursday.
  14. Who got into the most Mods the night before (ahem, freshmen).
  15. Who wears the most lululemon. (That means you too, boys.)

So, here you have it. All the things that BC students aren’t competitive about. Wait! Who are we kidding?  We are competitive about everything, even the little stuff.





Molly is a senior at Boston College studying Communication and Political Science. She is currently a Campus Corespondent for Her Campus BC and is looking forward to writing articles! She loves to travel, hangout with her friends, and go on adventures. Her mantra is "If you are always trying to be normal, you'll never know how amazing you can be" - Maya Angelou.
Blake is a senior at Boston College and is pursuing Biology and Pre-Med, as well as the perfect slice of pizza. She is so excited to be a co-Campus Correspondent along with Emily this year! As well as being a writer for Her Campus BC, she is also a member of the Girls Club Lacrosse team, the Public Health Club, and is a physics tutor on campus.