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How to Support a Survivor of Sexual Assault

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bates chapter.

As college students, it’s more than likely that we all know someone who’s experienced sexual assault—according to the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network, or RAINN, 11.2% of all students experience some form of sexual assault or violence. 23.1% of female students and 5.4% of male students experience sexual assault or violence, and those percentages increase for all transgender, genderqueer, and gender nonconforming students. In fact, minority students in general experience sexual assault or violence at greater rates than non-minority students.

It can be hard to know what to do when someone you know has experienced sexual assault, especially when a close friend or family member confides in you. If you want to learn more about how to support a survivor of sexual assault, there’s a workshop you should attend. Tonight at 8:00 PM in Pettengill 116, the Sexual Violence Awareness Club is hosting a “How to Support a Survivor” workshop led by the Sexual Assault Victims Advocate, Kelly Gorman. The goal of the workshop? To better equip students to help their peers who have survived sexual assault. Even if you’ve attended similar meetings or seminars on this issue, you never know what new information you can gain from it. Plus, it can be a way to connect with others who also care about the issue of sexual assault on campus.


For confidential support:

Bates Student Health Center

207-786-6199  |  31 Campus Avenue

Multifaith Chaplain

blongsdo@bates.edu |  207-786-6125  

163 Wood Street, 2nd floor

Sexual Assault Victim’s Advocate

sava@bates.edu  |   207-753-6996  

Lane Hall 104

Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Services (SAPARS)

24-hour helpline:  1-800-871-7741 

Safe Voices (domestic violence)

24-hour helpline: 1-800-559-2927

Rachel Minkovitz is a senior at Bates College double majoring in Psychology and French and Francophone Studies. She spends a lot of time listening to music, hanging out with friends, reading and writing, advocating for social justice, and looking for furry animals.