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Bates College, Snow Problems

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bates chapter.

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Is it just us, or did the entirety of winter just get condensed into one week? Just when think that it couldn’t snow anymore, Bates is hit with another full-on blizzard today, and the snow is expected to continue until at least 10pm tonight. Looking out the window right now, the campus looks like a scene straight out of Frozen, with the swirling flurries of snow completely enveloping the bundled-up dark specks of brave students venturing to class. In honor of this, ‘wicked hahd’ (as the Mainers would say) week of winter, HCB has compiled a list of our worst winter woes

1. Trying to walk across snowy pathways like: 


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2. Feeling vicariously bad for someone who slips on snow/ice: 

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3. Then, being the one slipping and trying to play it off like no one saw: 

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4. When your friend gets the Bates plague: 

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5. When you get the Bates plague: 

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6. Taking thirty minutes to leave Commons because you have to put on all your winter gear: 

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7. When you decide to wear a skirt out on the weekend anyway, even though it’s below freezing: 

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8. Looking at the weather forecast: 

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9. Leaving Ladd to go to dinner and being hit by the cold: 

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10. Leaving your jacket at a party: 

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11. Layers got you walking to class like: 

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12. Hunkering down with Netflix in bed on a Friday night because it’s just too cold to go hang out anywhere else on campus:  

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13. Thinking about Short Term: 

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SPRING, PLEASE COME FASTER. Or maybe we will just hibernate until Gala…

Becca Carifio is a senior history major at Bates College. Obsessed with coffee, scarves, videos of cute animals and polka dots. Currently trying to convince her parents that reading comic books for her thesis on Wonder Woman during World War II is worth their tuition money.