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Why I’d Rather Stay In on a Friday Night

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Columbia Barnard chapter.

Let me tell you all a little secret – it’s completely okay to snuggle in bed, watch Netflix, and stay in on a Friday night. Through our early adulthood and between the ages of 18-23, we try so hard to confine to society that it’s almost a taboo to stay in on a Friday night. I completely understand the feeling of telling your friends you don’t want to step out on a Friday night, and then watching them look at you like you’ve told them you’re going to shave all your hair off. I mean I know you can’t do without me, but I can’t be the crazy party girl 24/7.

It’s important to give your mind and body some me time, and if that means staying in bed eating junk food, so be it. Besides, going out on a Friday night is possibly the worst decision you can make, for your mind and your pocket. I mean, have you seen the lines outside any of the nice bars in the city? Moreover, getting a reservation at a nice NYC restaurant for an impromptu dinner on a Friday night is as unlikely as winning the New York Lottery. So it ends up being more of a struggle than an outing.

Sometimes I just need to spend some me time and ponder over all the terrible decisions I’ve made all week and then drown my sorrow in a few glasses of wine, a few slices of pizza and my millionth rewatch of Breakfast at Tiffany’s. Think about this: you’ve worked hard all week, you deserve to relax… actually, I’m not going to justify why it’s okay to stay in. If god can take a day off, then so can I! Everything there on a Friday night will be there on a Saturday night, and so will your very own “party girl.” Everything’s still here, and so are you — so take it down a notch and take it easy, baby!