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A Senior Remembers Her First…Frat Party

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Columbia Barnard chapter.



Yes, I was that girl. I went to my first I’m-in-college-now frat party during NSOP. Admit it, you probably were too. There’s really no shame in it. Going to an NSOP frat party also gives you some prime icebreakers for that awkward conversation you’re bound to have when attempting to bond during a group project.  

While not my first frat party ever (shout out to the Emory University frats–you boys are the real MVPs), I was now in New York City where life is “different and exciting.” I was going to make the most of it.

Like many fine once-freshman women before us, my friends and I donned our tallest heels and our all black club-esque dresses. That’s what you wear to frat parties, right?

Next up: the pregame. After a few sips of something with my friends in a closet-like dorm room, I was ready to hit the town. Literally, as walking in six-inch heels is really hard and I definitely did not win the Most Graceful Person award.

After waiting for what seemed like an eternity in the line to get in (side note: only Columbia frats have lines), I finally entered the brownstone and took in all of it’s sticky, loud glory…until someone jostled me and promptly spilled on my LBD. I soldiered on, knowing that this was the price to pay for an epic night.

After losing my friends, going to the bathroom with two random girls I had never met, I was over it. These boys were either really awkward or way too drunk, and it was way past my bedtime (read as: it was 1:00 AM). I decided to make one last pass through the basement in an attempt to find my friends. It was then that I met The Guy.

I’ll admit it, I knew The Guy before I even started my freshman year. I didn’t know him personally, but I had stumbled upon YouTube videos of him covering popular Jason Mraz songs over the summer, and when I found out he was going to Columbia in the fall…let’s just say I knew it was meant to be. Running into him at a frat party, however, was not part of the plan. I managed to keep my cool, though, and the conversation went something like this:

Me: Hey…aren’t you that guy from YouTube?

The Guy: What? You know me? No way! (Proceeds to text 14-yea-old brother saying “I JUST GOT RECOGNIZED!”)

Me: Yeah! I love your cover of (insert pop song here)! Did you end up signing with Universal like you said in that one video?

The Guy: Woah. This is so crazy. You’re the first person to ever recognize me. And nah, we’re going independent, I think.

Me: Wow, that’s like, so cool. I can’t believe I’m talking to you! (Good one, freshman me, good one.)

The Guy: Well, what about making out with me?? (Yes, he actually said that,)

End conversation, proceed to DFMO and dance to Pitbull’s latest hit song. (We’ve all been there, guys. Don’t pretend you haven’t.)

After an awkward exchange of numbers that somehow never went through (hmm…), I managed to find one of my friends and stumble toward Tom’s, not believing what had just happened. Not only had I just survived my first frat party, I had just met YouTube boy. #blessed

And you know what?

It. Was. Epic.