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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Auburn chapter.

There are lots of tips on how to study more and be productive, but what about the ones giving advice on how to procrastinate? With these suggestions, you’ll be procrastinating and avoiding your studies like the adult you are (at least for a bit)!


Looking at Nail Art

Anything becomes ten times cuter when done on a tiny scale. If you like dry humor and painting your nails, you should look at Simply Nailogical on Youtube. She’s perfect entertainment for procrastination or motivation so you really can’t lose when you’re watching her. 

Online Window Shopping

Nothing is a better distraction from my cold harsh finals reality than looking at cute clothes I can’t fit in and my bank account can’t afford. The other day I did the unthinkable and actually made a purchase at like 3 am in a delirious state. Keep your wallet far away from you when doing this.

Cleaning My Apartment (?)

Ok, so I wouldn’t rather be doing this necessarily, but for some reason nothing is a better motivation to spring clean than not wanting to study. My counters have never shined brighter and my toilet bowl has never been whiter than when I don’t feel like studying.

Look at Dogs on the Humane Society Website

Dogs don’t worry about finals. Cats don’t worry about finals. They don’t need degrees to be loved. They are cute and cool and all they have to do is just be themselves and everyone loves them (someone should read this back to me during the chem final I’m going to suffer through later this week). 

Listen to Any Music from 2006-2011

You all know what I’m talking about. Lady Gaga circa Poker Face, Fergie, Usher, the list goes on. The stuff that everyone in middle school bumped at their bar/bat mitzvah. You can’t help but scream the lyrics at the top of your lungs when anything from this time period comes on. 


A city slicker making it in a southern college town. I'm trying to reach my goals even though I'm only five feet tall and need a stool. Find me spending concerning amounts of money and drinking concerning amounts of coffee at Starbucks. The mom friend you sometimes want but always need. Good at dishing it out but not so great at taking it so go easy on me. Auburn Pre-Nursing class of 2020.