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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Auburn chapter.

Dear Girls Who Worry Too Much,

You are not your past.

I’m not saying that your past has no influence on who you are now—of course it does. But, you have to remember that what is important about your past is your accomplishments, not your failures and mistakes. The battles you’ve won and the fact that you’re fighting them say a great deal more about yourself than any failure. Your scars, whether visible or invisible, are proof that whatever left them was not your end. The only time you really lose is when you give up, so don’t. If it matters to you, stand up for it. Stand up for yourself, because you matter. Don’t get wrapped up in the monotony of life and forget how important appreciating the little things are.

No one will judge you more harshly than you judge yourself.

Meaning, the moment you realize that the details about yourself you obsess over aren’t worth stressing about, the moment you stop caring how others might judge you for them. People will judge, and that’s okay. It’s how you interpret that judgement and apply it to your life that matters. Do you love a certain outfit? Wear it. Who cares if other people like it if it makes you comfortable and happy. Do you want another slice of pizza? Eat it. You don’t have change how you eat to fit into society’s standards just to be “beautiful.” Strive for excellence, not perfection. No one is perfect, and if you constantly try to be, you’ll never feel like you’re succeeding. Find people that accept you for who you are, not who you could be. You don’t have to be friends with everyone or meet every standard.

You are not doomed to repeat others’ mistakes.

Many say that a broken home raises a broken person, but that is far from true. Maybe your home life wasn’t/isn’t so great. That doesn’t mean the rest of your life will be the same. Just because you have been hurt in the past does not mean you deserve to be hurt again. Just because you watched your friends or family follow a destructive path does not mean you are destined to make the same mistakes. Find people that make you feel relaxed. Find people that make you feel loved. You aren’t alone, and even though the stress of classes, work, friends, and everything else makes you feel isolated sometimes, it’s important to have people to fall back on. Get help, even with the small things. People tend to care more than they let on, so don’t be afraid to open up to those you’re close to. Small problems can turn into big ones if you hold them back.

All in all, you get stronger every day. It’s always okay to have a bad day, but don’t let yourself fall into a slump. Get thoughts out of your head: talk, write, draw. Don’t obsess over what you can’t change or control. Life is hard, and that’s okay. There are people that care all around you. And finally, love yourself.


One of you.

I'm a chemical engineering major with an intense passion for chemistry puns. I believe words hold more power than people give them credit and should always be used wisely.