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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Auburn chapter.

Age: 18

Relationship Status: In a Relationship

Major: Psychology

Year: Freshman

What are your career goals at Auburn University? I plan to have many new experiences and meet as many new people as possible. I want to get out of my shell a bit.

If you had one superpower what would you choose and how would you use it (for good or for evil)? If I had a superpower I would want to be able to read minds. As I’m going to be a psychologist, I feel it would help me in my career with patients, so it could be a good or bad thing.

Batman or Superman? Batman, Daniel would disown me if I ever choose superman xD

Amber enjoys going to reenactments as well as dressing up for them. She has plans to become a yoga instructor some day.

Currently a Junior Pandas are my favorite animalMajor....Apparel Design( oh yes!)