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8 Clever Ways to Reduce Calories, But Not the Deliciousness

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Auburn chapter.


8 Clever Ways to Reduce Calories but Not the Deliciousness

It has been said and heard time after time, “I want to lose 5 pounds.”  Who doesn’t want to lose 5 pounds? Dropping the weight can be difficult, especially when you are trying to continue enjoying your food instead of opting to eat diet food that just does not taste very good.  To save the taste but sever the calories, you have to be creative! Listed below are 8 ways to cut the calories that any college woman can do.

1. Exchange butter for Parkay butter spray 

  • Butter may help a food taste better, but it is high in calories and fat.  Try switching regular butter for Parkay butter spray and save your calories.  This butter spray adds just the right amount of buttery flavor without being a slab of fat. 


2. Instead of coffee creamer use a spice

  • Coffee just isn’t the same without the delicious creamer mixed in.  In small amounts creamer is okay, but in large doses the calories start to add up.  Try mixing milk with your coffee instead and then add a teaspoon or two of cinnamon or pumpkin spice.  Spices have almost zero calories and they help enhance the flavor!


3. Forget Soda 

  • 1 can of soda can easily exceed 140 calories.  Soda is flat out bad for you, so help your body out and trade it in for some water.  To add flavor to water try slicing some fresh fruit such as an orange or lemon and put it into your glass of water.  Crystal Light also provides lots of flavor without the calories.  Plus, water is free at restaurants so you can save yourself calories and a couple bucks. 


4. Enjoy some froyo instead of full fat ice cream

  • Frozen yogurt, or froyo, has entered the dessert market with a boom in the last 3 years. Why is it doing so well?  Because it is better for you than ice cream! Ice cream is high in fat, sugar, and calories, where as froyo offers a yummy treat with almost half the fat, sugar, and calories.  Some companies even make it in tubs available to buy at your local grocery store.  


5. ​Say goodbye to the yolk 

  • The yolk, or yellow part, of an egg contains fat.  Swap the entire egg in for egg whites.  You can do this when baking a cake or when making an egg scramble in the morning.  If you eat it without looking you will never know that that omelet was made using 1 egg and 2 egg whites, or all egg whites; it tastes the same.


6. Choose salsa over cheese

  • Find a good salsa you enjoy and you won’t ever look back.  While queso dip may be a favorite at the mexican restaurant you frequent, it piles on the calories.  Salsa is tomato based making it less in calories and having virtually no fat. 


7. ​Pick grilled not fried

  • Anytime you see the adjectives crispy or breaded think fried.  Meat, with a focus on chicken, is good for you, but not when it is fried.  Being fried means it was dipped into a basket of hot oil, aka saturated fat.  Grilled chicken is simply the chicken put on a grill – no extra calories added.  It is just as delicious if not more! 


8. Dressing on the side please

  • When ordering a salad, ask for the dressing on the side.  This way you can still enjoy your salad dressing, but you can control how much to put on your salad.  Most restaurants slather your salad with dressing, so save them the time and effort and yourself the calories by ordering it on the side. 



By putting these in practice you can easily be on your way to losing those 5 pounds you’ve always wanted to lose.