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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at App State chapter.

So you came to college, you got away from your parents’ house rules and went hard into the party circle. You live for sunny days to drink outside at the bar, you know by heart the good deals on food and drink, and you treat every Thirsty Thursday as part of the weekend and a great excuse to forego anything considered work. Now, however, you’re not seeing much appeal in the world where you’ll “drink ‘til he’s cute”, squeal “oh my gosh this is my favorite drinking game”, or ask “OMG what happened last night…” the next morning.

1. You don’t have to use Hulu or record the shows you usually would miss because you’re out playing with Jack and Jose.

2. You see there is more stability in your bank account for better meals and splurging on getting your nails done, and a decrease in panicking over what in the world you bought the night before.  

3. You don’t really feel as stressed towards the end of the semester because you’ve been at least a little ahead on end of term papers because you didn’t go out every day of the week.

4. You realize the people who really matter are the ones who still want to hang out with you minus the booze induced declarations of “OMG you are my best friend” followed by not hearing from them until the next time the jungle juice is flowing.

5. You also realize that you’re better off without the people who try to influence you to put off that needed two extra hours of studying or perfecting that important internship application.

6. You’ll find out what you really are passionate about… whether that may be a club of interest or a hobby that you now have time to enjoy.

7. You’ll learn to deal with the challenges that life throws you in a positive way, instead of blowing them off by just “drinking until you forget” about them.


We all go through the party phase in our lives, and for some people it lasts longer than others. We want to be included in a group, that’s normal human nature, and we’ll go along with whatever it is that the group we desire to be part of is doing. Once you come to realize that you don’t really have a strong desire to pound back the equivalent to a six pack and three mixed drinks, you start to realize what is important to you. You might also end up having a smaller circle of friends, but let’s be honest, that’s less drama for you to worry about and you won’t be spreading yourself as thin with wanting to please everyone. The party phase is a natural occurrence, especially for college kids, so embrace it while you want it, but don’t feel like you have to be out partying every night or day of the week because someone is making you feel like “you’re just not cool anymore” if you don’t. 







Amber Layfield, senior at Appalachian State studying psychology and criminal justice, teaches Pilates and Yoga, and is Co-Campus Correspondent of Her Campus Appalachian State!  Enjoys hiking in Boone, getting lost in a great book, dabbling in cooking, knitting, creating jewelry, and writing. An avid animal, coffee, pizza, Harry Potter and Pinterest lover.