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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at App State chapter.

Ugh… It is that dreadful week of the month once again. The week where it seems like every part of your body hurts and you cannot do anything about it… Otherwise known as menstrual cycle week. Every girl’s period is different. Some periods last an entire week, while others last only a few days. Some people experience intense symptoms the week before their period, while other experience them while they are on their period. No matter how much we wish we didn’t have a monthly period, we do. Unfortunately, the symptoms come along with it. We all have our own methods to try to relieve symptoms, heating pads, naps, etc. However, here are some foods and drinks to try when you are on your period to help with Mother Nature’s effects:

Bananas are a lifesaver when it comes to too painful cramping. Bananas are loaded with potassium and B6 nutrients that help with cramping and bloating. Bananas also help with bloating because the potassium helps absorb water in your stomach. Bananas are also a light and healthy snack.

Cranberry juice helps with irritability when you are on your period. Typically when you are on your period, your organs swell up, such as your bladder and ovaries. This therefore causes irritability. Cranberry juice is rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants, which help prevent swelling of the organs. 

Fish. You show many similar symptoms of being pregnant before you start you period. However, although you may not be pregnant, your body still needs nutrients in order to pass the unfertilized eggs through your body. Fish is an excellent source of iron that keeps your body rich and healthy.  

Whole grains consist of many of the same nutrients that other cramp-relieving food has. Whole grains have magnesium, Vitamin B6, which can help with mood irritability and temporary depression. Whole grains can be a number of things such as whole grain rice, beans, bread, and oatmeal, will all help with period symptoms. 

Gatorade can be used to cure a migraine that is caused by your period. During your period, you can easily get dehydrated due to the amount of blood you are losing from your body. Dehydration causes headaches and migraines. Drinking a bottle of Gatorade will help relieve your migraine and keep your body hydrated.


It seems like when you are on your period, you want to eat everything in sight. It seems like the perfect fix to your period symptoms. However, before you go on a free-for-all binge eating period (no pun intended), know the things that are not healthy to eat when you are on your period.

Caffeine dehydrates your body, which can cause your menstrual pain to be worse than it typically is. Caffeine also can irregulate your period. Remember that caffeine affects every body differently.

As hard it is to resist fast food while on your period, it is beneficial. Trans-fats are found in fast food meals that can surge your period symptoms. Avoid trans fats found in fried French fries and onion rings and your period symptoms will not be as harsh.

Eating a lot of salt while on your period will increase your bloating. During the week of your period, try eating low-sodium foods such as chips and various snacks. 

Inspried journalist who loves to tell stories. Orginally from Charlotte, North Carolina.