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5 Ways to De-Stress During Finals!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Amherst chapter.

In case you have been living under a rock and didnt realize, Tuesday marks the start of the Spring 2016 finals period! Now with that comes some (okay, maybe a lot) of stress. Lucky for you, HerCampus is here to help! Below are 5 ways to get de-stressed and help you have a happy, healhty, and successful finals period!


1) Go for a walk! Now, this does not include walking upstairs from C level to Frost Cafe to get your 8th coffee. I mean really, go for a walk! Take a walk on the bike path, or walk into town (you are allowed to get coffee if you take a walk there first!) Or even take a long walk around campus. Stretch your muscles, clear your head, trust me, it will feel great!


2) Read something non-academic! Maybe that is the New York Times in Val before you hit the library, or it could be a book you started reading over winter break, and havent quite finished yet. Either way this will help to give your brain a much needed break, and can help you get your mind off things for a little while. 


3) Make a clear and detailed to-do list! Laying out each individual thing you need to complete before Saturday, May 14th can help you to feel less stressed. Looking at everything in front of you and realizing it all fits on one page can make everything thing feel more attainable and less frightening. And of course, make sure you check things off as you go! It is a great feeling!


4) Make a Val date with a friend and talk about everything non-school related. Talk about serious things, such as the Presidential Race, or non-serious things, like what celebrities have been posting on Insta lately. Whatever you choose to dish on, a nice chat can help you to feel relaxed and put a smile on your face!


5) Finally, get some sleep! Everyone knows this, but I will tell you again, sleep, sleep, sleep! Nothing makes you feel better than a restful sleep. Whether you need 6 hours or 8, making time for a good night’s sleep is imperative to doing well on your finals!


Good luck everyone and remember, a week from today is summer break!

Amherst College Senior, Amherst, MA. Member of Amherst Women's Varsity ice hockey team. Hometown is Washington, D.C