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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

Let’s be honest, winter only looks good on bears. The weather is getting colder, the layers are piling on; but that’s no excuse to let the weight pile on too! Between holidays like Halloween that just passed, Thanksgiving coming before you know it, and the long winter break, the easiest thing to do is to forget your summer workout dedication and hibernate. It’s hard to watch what you eat over these breaks and even harder to be motivated to go to the gym. So make a promise to yourself: don’t wait for that new years resolution to get fit, start now! Get ahead on that summer body now with these easy, indoor exercises you can do at home or in the dorms:

1. Stair Stepping:
 Stair stepping is great cardio and so easy to do inside the dorms or at home. Even if you don’t have stairs, or if you don’t feel like leaving the comfort of your room, you can do this simple exercise. Put your textbooks to work and lay them on the ground, stack to your desired height and put them in front of the TV. Then step up and down during your favorite show!  

2. Plank:
 Want to work on those abs, arms, and back? This quick but intense exercise will work all of those areas. Just get into a push-up position on the floor to begin. Bend your arms so you are on your forearms, keep your tummy tucked in and back flat. Start off holding the position for 30 seconds, and day-by-day add a few more seconds. Challenge yourself and see how long you can hold it for. This exercise is proven to be one of the best workouts to tone your core and to get defined abs.  

3. Lunges:
 One of the simples exercises you can do in your room are lunges! You can do them anywhere, and they are one of the easiest ways to quickly tone your legs and backside. Keep your upper body straight, with your shoulders back and relaxed and chin up. Then, step forward with one leg, lowering your hips until both knees are bent; be sure that your foot is above your ankle and that your other knee doesn’t hit the ground! After you get the hang of it, you can hold weights to make it more challenging. 

4. Water Bottle Weights: To work out your arms, shoulders and back, you can make your own DIY weights out of any kind of container. The simplest is to fill up two water bottles to your desired weight. Once they become too easy, use milk jugs. You can keep adding more weight each time you do this exercise to increase results. Just fill the jug a little bit more to add a challenge! 

5. Squats: Let’s face it, no one wants to be a Miley (flat butt). Doing squats are the easiest ways to prevent that from happening, as it helps to shape your butt, strengthen thighs and build stamina. Simply stand up straight, bend your knees with your arms stretched outright parallel to the floor. Then bend until your thighs are parallel to the floor. If that gets too easy, you can add weights in your hands. 

If none of these workouts are for you, or even if you just want to try something new, YouTube is a great outlet to find five minute workoutsfor all of your fitness needs. You can search “workout”, or the specific kind of work out you want. This makes working out so much easier and more convenient, all while making it more fun to tone your body. YouTube is also a fantastic choice if you want to do a more traditional workout like push-ups, squats, and crunches, but are unsure as to how to do them properly. There are thousands of videos to instruct you as to how to do each exercise. Also, check out some videos of some good post-workout meals!


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