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5 Easy Ways to Drink Water

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

This article was contributed by Viviana Regina Sanchez Dorantes.

As the warmer weather approaches it is important to stay hydrated throughout the day but finals are also approaching so drinking water might not be your first priority throughout the day. Here are five ways that will help you hydrate!

1. Invest in a water bottle 

With everything going on in your mind, the last thing you want stressing you out is needing to buy a water bottle before going to your class or in between classes. So, why not save time, money, and endless plastic water bottles and invest in a pretty one that you can reuse and fill up before you even leave your room in the morning

2. Fill it up when you see a water fountain


If you do this every time, you’ll be surprised how useful this is. Even if your bottle is not empty, take the time to fill it up. This might save you in the middle of block classes when you realize you’re out of water but maybe can’t leave class to search for the nearest fountain. If you take this extra step, whenever you reach for your bottle there will be some water in it.

3. Add flavor

If you don’t like the taste of plain water, there are so many ways to add a little flavor to it. Add oranges, strawberries or cucumber and ginger to an infuser and keep it in your fridge so before you leave your place you can fill up your water with these. Or whenever you are working at home make a list of recipes for infusing your water like this one so help putting together your infusions easier and quicker. 

4. Water over Soda

Everywhere! If you go to restaurants, start asking for water or even sparkling water. We know this can be tough if you really want that carbonated drink but we recommend if you are a frequent soda-drinker to give sparkling water a try first-it has the carbonation of soda, but without the extra sugar.

5. Practice self discipline

Once you start doing these little things every day, your body will start reaching for that bottle when you’re working on an essay or just sitting through class. You’ll begin to just ask for water or natural iced tea at restaurants just as a regular part of your day. Stay hydrated!


Photo Credit: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Shannon is the former Editor-in-Chief of Her Campus American University. She is a Psychology major and is also a senior on the varsity swim team.