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How to Successfully register for classes

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Albany chapter.

Spring semester is quickly approaching and it is now time to register for classes. Here are some tips to guarantee you a happy semester filled with success.

1. Meet major requirements

Each major has different requirements so make sure you are fulfilling them. Your school should have a course catalog which explains each course in full detail. Get your general education requirements, such as math, history, and art, out of the way so you can choose other classes that interest you. If you are undecided on a major, take some classes in different areas; you never know what might grab your interest.

2. See your adviser

Your adviser is a professional when it comes to registering for classes. Any questions that you may have regarding you major, your adviser should be able to answer. If you are having any trouble or want to change your major your advisor is the one to see. Depending on your school, they may also be the person who will give you your registration date. So do not forget to make an appointment and remember, they are there to help you!

3. Create a schedule that works for you

Now that you have looked up the classes that interest you, create a few schedules. If you are a UAlbany student reading this, the Center for Student Success has created a student planner that generates schedules for you with the classes that you chose. Have some backup classes just in case classes become full. You do not want to be blindsided if you anticipated on taking a class that is now full.

4. Get the 411 on your professors

We have all had those professors that were nightmares. Getting details on professors before you join their classes can save you many sleepless nights and tears. Exchange information with your friends on who to avoid. Websites like ratemyprofessor.com and chegg.com can also give you insight on professors at your school.

5. Create some free time

Having all of your classes back to back can be very daunting. When creating your schedule create some breaks so you can have some free time. Grabbing some lunch or taking a quick nap between classes can help prevent burn out.