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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Alabama chapter.

Social media is a part of our everyday lives. We wake up, lay in bed, and scroll through all our accounts. Then we do it again when we’re waiting for class to start, then at almost every other waking moment of the day. It has started to take over our lives and it is only going to get worse. Here are some of the reasons you should give up social media:

1.     It wastes time

Think about how much in a day you spend looking at new Instagram posts and Tweets and Facebook statuses. According to a study by Ipsos Open Thinking Exchange, people under 35 social network for an average of 4.2 hours a day. You could spend that time, instead, experiencing life for what it is—instead of living through a piece of metal.

2.     FOMO

This stands for the Fear Of Missing Out. There is nothing worse than staying in on a Saturday night, scrolling through everyone’s snap stories. You feel like you missed out on the best night ever, even though it was just a regular Saturday that will happen a hundred times again.

3.     Potential career road blocks

Something that our generation forgets about is the new addition to the interview process: companies checking all your social media accounts. One red cup could put your resume in the trash.

4.     Self-esteem

People do this thing where they only post the positives of their life and somehow make it look like they have the best life ever. You’re lying if you’ve never caught yourself scrolling through with nothing but pure jealousy. What people put on social media is just a small snippet of who they are, but we still manage to feel bad about ourselves because of it.

I challenge you to give up social media—a month, a week, or even just a day. See how it changes your life and the way you feel about yourself. There is so much out in the world to experience and so many people to meet, so get off your phone and GO LIVE!





Hey guys! My name is Kourtney Jakubowski and I am a sophomore at University of Alabama, I feel so lucky! I came from beautiful San Diego where I learned to keep active and always seek new adventures. College is scary, so I hope to make that transition a little easier! Roll tide
Alabama Contributor