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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Alabama chapter.


Coming to college, one of the biggest mysteries is who your roommates will be. Are they messy? Are they normal? Are they fun? All of this you must find out, but hopefully you get lucky with a set of roommates to be your family away from home.

They can be fatherly, a blanket of protection. They want to see who the boy is you’ve been hanging out with. You come home from class and they make sure you start your homework. Roommates help you when the sink doesn’t work or the TV won’t turn on. I can say I for sure miss my dad, but I know my roommates will do their best to take care of me.

Roommates can take the other side too, trying their best to fill the shoes of your mom. They are always there to give you a hug when you’ve had a bad day or warm up some tea when your throat hurts. When you come home from class, they’re ready to listen to you complain about that impossible test or that painfully long walk to class. They chill on the couch, watching you get way too into your favorite TV show. Moms are the best people in the world, but roommates can try their best to help you miss her a little less.

Last but not least—your roommates are like your siblings. They go out with you and come home way too late. They stress over their next exam, as you stay up all night studying together.  They see you at your highest and lowest points, yet still stick by your side (they kind of have no choice!). You tell them anything and everything: they know you better than anyone. Brothers or sisters or—whatever you call them—roommates are a blast to have around!

Being away from your family in college isn’t the easiest, but if you get lucky enough to find a good set of roommates they will take care of you— just like your family did back at home. Hold onto them tightly and don’t forget to call your mom.

Hey guys! My name is Kourtney Jakubowski and I am a sophomore at University of Alabama, I feel so lucky! I came from beautiful San Diego where I learned to keep active and always seek new adventures. College is scary, so I hope to make that transition a little easier! Roll tide
Alabama Contributor