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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Adelphi chapter.

Let’s face it, college is a tricky time in everyone’s life as far as experiences go. Some people have been sleeping around since seventeen some are seniors and haven’t lost the big V yet. Do people really “turn up” every Thursday? Every college kid has probably compared themselves to the stereotyped standards in the media but what do the students of Adelphi believe is the norm?

The first thing that comes to most peoples’ minds when they think of college is of course, drinking. But how many people really drink? It seems like everyone has their own personal schedule when it comes to parties. Most of the students I talked to said they would go out once every other week. And for the most part, no one said they consistently get blackout drunk. Of course, some people choose not to go out or drink at all, others party every weekend. As long as you can live with your choices and go for the right reasons, make college fun for yourself! And always be safe!

Sex and dating can be difficult in college because everyone is on such different levels. Some people want relationships right away and others have no intention of settling down anytime soon. So what is everyone’s plan for college dating life? And how much is everyone really hooking up? Overall, most students said they don’t hook up with people on a regular basis and some are looking for serious relationships. Mostly underclassmen are looking for less serious stuff right now. Don’t worry if you feel like you’re the only one left out, everyone is at different points in their lives. As long as you do what makes you happy and you and your partner are on the same page, your dating life will play out well!

Staying up writing papers, cutting class to work on a project, studying all weekend, is college really this draining for everyone? It depends on the classes, honestly. Most students agree their workload is reasonable, although stressful at times. Most Adelphi students said they have pulled all-nighters but never on a regular basis. All of them agreed the next day was horrible, but at least their work was finished. Almost everyone said they’ve never skipped more than two classes and usually it was towards the end of the semester. So save up those two absences, when finals approach you might just need to take a mental health day.

All in all, college is about discovering who you are and what your own preferences you are. Even though everyone has their own ways that don’t line up perfectly with anyone else’s, we all have one thing in common: we are not alone in this journey.

Freshman acting major at Adelphi University :)
Adelphi Campus Correspondent. Natalie is a sophomore at Adelphi University where she studies Acting and English passionately. In between her studies, she enjoys jam-packing her schedule through writing for contentBase.co, holding a chair position on the Student Activities Board and shining on the stage in school productions. She loves cats, coffee, fashion and music almost as much as she does writing. Her goal as a journalist is to inspire as many ambitious, young people, like herself, to make the most of their lives as possible.