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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Aberdeen chapter.

 Ways to Destress

Now this article might come as a surprise for my friends, as they know that Miss ‘I’ve got so many things to do’ is always stressed. Does it sound familiar? I confess that I like working and staying busy, but too much stress isn’t good and it can lead to an unhealthy lifestyle.

However, I have my own ways to unwind and take a step back. First of all, you have to understand your current state of mind. Do you have a tight schedule, are you well organized, have problems in time management or is there a person in your life who just causes stress? Are you even procrastinating? I would suggest to take a day off, or a certain period of time in your day where you have time for yourself . This allows you to become calm and think quietly about your situation.


Write everything down that bothers you. You can use your diary or just write on a blank sheet of paper. I wouldn’t recommend using your computer because you can get distracted by notifications. Then, analyse what you have written. Did you just write about a specific problem or is your whole life a mess?


It’s time to take action and learn to stay more calm. This can be done by taking a warm bath, meditation, listening to music or reading a humorous book. Try to find your inner peace.


Breathing exercises help to decrease your nervousness and anxiety. As an example, I don’t like yoga, but perhaps it works for you. I prefer swimming and dancing. Cooking a meal is a good alternative, make sure you have the right ingredients and that you enjoy preparing this meal. Take time to eat and chew well, in other words, enjoy and savour what you’re eating. After all, the most important thing to do is to switch off and focus on your needs. Listen to your body and what is going on in your head.


While some people recommend sports, others find having sex soothing. As a woman, you can try to explore your sexuality also on your own. And yes, I’m referring to the M-word because it’s still considered to be a taboo, but masturbation has relieving effects and it’s a great way to discover more about yourself and your body. You will learn through time your different spots and what pleasure really means. There are different ways and methods. The most important thing about masturbation is your imagination. Some might need resources, but as a woman you can create your own sexual fantasies in your head as well, and you have to let go of all these negative thoughts. Thereby, you will feel less ashamed and will reach your climax easier.

For me, good sleep works best! I need about nine or ten hours sleep and if I have a lot to do during a day, I’m still efficient and don’t become easily tired. Power naps are therefore not my cup of tea. I might just lie down and let go of my energy. Reading helps me to stay calm and find my inner balance.


Take a break once in a while, having a chat with a good friend and become creative. Find a time in your day to do something you enjoy. In my case, it’s reading a magazine or a book. Eventually, you could organize a day with your friends where you can destress and find solutions together in order to stay zen.