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Your Daily Productivity Could Come Down to These 40 Seconds

Whether you are cranking out that final paper or staring at your computer screen at your cubicle at your internship, motivation to complete your work sometimes goes out the window after working for hours at a time. However, going out the window visually might be the key to all your problems.

According to Business Insider, a recent study conducted in Australia found that taking 40 seconds to look outside, especially at any patch of green, is enough to reenergize your brain in between long periods of work. The study was originated by researching the impact of green roofs, like the nine-acre one to be implemented on the Facebook HQ, in order to find its benefits on worker productivity. In the study, participants were shown either a concrete roof or a green-covered roof and then told to complete a mundane task assignment. Lead researcher Kate Lee explained that the impact of the green roof immensely improved the quality of work: “This study showed us that looking at an image of nature for less than a minute was all it took to help people perform better on our task.” Lee also described the benefits of these 40-second time outs: “It’s really important to have micro-breaks. It’s something that a lot of us do naturally when we’re stressed or mentally fatigued. There’s a reason you look out the window and seek nature, it can help you concentrate on your work and to maintain performance across the workday.”

 So go ahead, take a break—and power through the rest of your day!

Keana Bloomfield

Bryn Mawr '18

Keana is a News Blogger/Viral Content Writer for Her Campus, as well as a two-year High School Ambassador Advisor.  With HC since her freshman year, she often winds down by singing, reading, watching TV, admiring Beyoncé and eating, whilst also regretting not taking advantage of the precious nap times one is afforded in pre-school.