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You may have noticed that not everyone was thrilled with the outcome of the 2012 presidential election, but Texans are taking their displeasure with Obama’s reelection to a new level. An official white house petition was filed on November 9 that asked that Texas be allowed to secede from the union and create its own government. In fact, Texas is only one of 30 states with active petitions asking for secession.

Apparently, there is pretty strong support for the petition. All official white house petitions that reach 25,000 signatures qualify for a response from the Obama administration, and Texas’ petition of secession one has over 81,000 signatures. And pro-secession groups within Texas are taking this opportunity to speak out about how serious they are about this movement.

But there’s always two sides to every bid for independence. On November 12, a petition was filed that would allow the city of Austin to secede from Texas! The petition asks that Austin (as well as the surrounding towns of Dublin, Lockhart, and Shiner) be allowed to remain a part of the United States while the rest of Texas peacefully secedes.

What do you think, collegiettes? Is this the start of the next Civil War? Let us know in the comments!


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Julia is a recent graduate of Johns Hopkins University, where she studied Writing Seminars and Women's Studies. She lives outside of Boston and is a Fall 2012 Editorial Intern at Her Campus. Her favorite activities are writing, drawing, and eating sushi. She also enjoys picking up new hobbies, like photography, and she's trying hard to learn the ukelele!