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Senate Democrats Plan To Force A Vote In Hopes To Restore Net Neutrality ASAP

The U.S. Senate will vote on Wednesday to reverse the changes recently made to net neutrality rules, as reported by CNN

Democrats are pushing the vote as they fear the new rules adopted by the Federal Communications Commission would give too much power to Internet providers and give them the ability to mess with Internet speeds. The FCC said on Thursday that the Obama net neutrality rules will expire on June 11, and the new regulations on how consumers can access their internet will then take effect.

Basically, net neutrality is meant to allow internet users open and equal access to all content on the web. It also prevents Internet providers from favoring certain content over others. When the FCC overturned the rules, it gave telecom companies power to charge consumers more for certain content and the ability to pick and choose which websites stream faster than others. People fear that the removal of net neutrality would hinder freedom of speech and or manipulate access to information.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer in a statement announcing the Democrats push for a re-vote said, “The internet should be kept free and open like our highways, accessible and affordable to every American, regardless of ability to pay.”

According to Reuters, Comcast, AT&T, and Verizon have all agreed to keep the internet open and fair once the rules expire.  A number of states including California and New York have sued to stop the changes made to the rules. Netflix and Amazon have also publicly expressed their disappointment with the FCC’s decision back in December to overturn net neutrality.

The vote is supported by all 49 Democrats in the Senate and Republican Senator of Maine Susan Collins. It is expected to pass in the Senate but will most likely face some trouble in the House and by President Trump.

Carissa Dunlap is a Her Campus News X Social Intern for Summer 2018. She is a current Publishing major and Journalism minor at Emerson College (Class of 2020). When she isn't perusing the YA bookshelf at the bookstore, she can be found watching dog videos on Facebook, at her favorite coffee shops, or relaxing on the beach. Follow her on Instagram @dunlapcarissa or Twitter @Caridunlap.