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Missouri Teenager Graduates from College…A Week Before Graduating from High School

A Missouri senior beat us all in the productivity competition when she received her college diploma on May 12—about a week prior to her graduation from high school in Independence, Mo., which will take place on May 21. Alesha Diman decided to enroll at a local community college during her junior year of high school so she could get some of her undergraduate career out of the way. Talk about dedication!

Alesha credited her AP Literature teacher as well as her father, who is also a teacher, for staying on top of her and keeping her motivated to earn two degrees at once. She will earn not only a high school diploma this spring, but an associate’s degree as well, according to Seventeen.   

She also adds that “dedication and time management” were what allowed her to take enough credits at Metropolitan Community College to earn her associate’s degree while also being a full-time high school student.

“It makes me feel great…she kept pushing through and said she was going to get it done,” said Alesha’s dad on her accomplishment. Alesha, care to share some of your extraordinary capability with us?

On why she decided to undertake more than most of us could ever hope to, Alesha said to KCTV, “I thought it was a really good idea and that it would get me ahead in life.” Come this fall, she will start studying for a biomedical engineering degree (!!!) at the University of Arkansas.

When asked about her upcoming schooling, Alesha told KCTV “I could create something that would help blood pump through the heart easier so there’s less of a chance to get heart disease.” Needless to say, we are impressed. Way to go, Alesha! Double the congratulations and, hopefully, grad gifts!

Margeaux Biché

Columbia Barnard

Margeaux Biché is a current senior at Barnard College living in New York City. During her freshman year, she studied at the George Washington University in D.C., where she wrote for The GW Hatchet. She is a Women's, Gender & Sexuality Studies major and is passionate about social justice. While she does not know exactly where she'll take her degree, she hopes she can contribute to the advancement of marginalized peoples through legal and/or activist work. Chocolate covered pretzels are her favorite food, Rihanna is her favorite musician and her go-to talent is her ability to wiggle her ears. Margeaux loves dogs, hiking and her hometown basketball team, the Cleveland Cavaliers, all of which are oft-featured on her Instagram account. Twitter | LinkedIn