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Besides “bringing innovation to communications and the arts,” here are 30 signs you’re an Emerson Hipster… we mean, Lion.  

1. You’re still trying to get some of the glitter off off your OL letter. 

2. You run out of breath every time you say your major. 

3. You can never find a seat a library because half of it is taken up by Will and Grace’s living room.

4. Your main workout consists of taking the stairs in Walker.

5. You hate the Green Line.

6. Until someone who doesn’t live on the Green Line rags on it, and then you defend it to the death. 

7. You know to hold your breath every time you walk out of LB, even though you’re going to die from secondhand smoke anyway.

8. You can make a film or write a novel, but a third grade math problem strikes fear into your heart.

9. You know you can pack more skinny hipsters into the tiny antique elevators of LB than any other building.

10. You’ve heard about this thing called “sleep,” but haven’t experienced it yourself since orientation.

11. You know that when it comes to memes, we’re the king of the forest.

12. You know that the best way to solve any problem is to start a Twitter campaign.

13. You’ve been to countless Quidditch matches, but not one [insert any other sport here] game.

14. You didn’t know Emerson had a [insert any other sport here] team. 

15. You do all your grocery shopping at CVS.

16. You laugh at the underdressed “Gypsies” freezing outside of Gypsy Bar every weekend.

17. But you still end up there on your 21st birthday.

18. You don’t approve of the “art” that disguises the permanent scaffolding. 

19. You forget that other schools don’t have a 14th Century castle in Netherlands.

20. Whether you’re gay or straight, you’re probably single.

21.  You know that there is nothing better than a big, greasy slice of NYP after a night in Allston. 

22. You know more about people from social media than you do from actually talking to them.

23. You’ve been evacuated from LB at the crack of dawn because Dunkin burned a bagel.

24. You’ve go to Maria’s Taqueria so often, they know your face, your name, and your usual. 

25. You’ve used the #soemerson hashtag unironically.

26. You don’t know what a “real life skill” is. 

27. And you’re too fabulous to care. 

28. You’re either from LA or plan to move there after graduation. 

29. You belong to the Emerson Mafia.

30. And even though you can’t find a job after graduation, you can always create a memoir/screenplay/musical/piece of performance art about the best four years of your life. 


Photos Courtesy of:

Bridget Wood

Katherine Ruschlau

Michael Moccio

Emerson College Quidditch

Drew Bierut