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10 Ways to Give Back This Holiday Season

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.

When the holidays come around, it can be hard not to get wrapped up in all things presents and parties. This year, try to recapture your own spirit of giving and check out these 10 ways to give back this season:

1. Volunteer

Hospitals, animal shelters, nursing homes — the opportunities are endless here. Spend a day volunteering somewhere and make a difference in your community.

2. Adopt a family

Get a group of friends together and adopt a family. Nothing is better than knowing you’ve been able to help give a family the Christmas they’ve always dreamed about.

3. Pay for the person behind you

Whether it’s when you’re getting your daily cup of coffee or you’re out for dinner, make someone’s day by paying for their things.

4. Collect donations for a local food bank or shelter

Chances are you don’t need half of the things you’ve let sit in your cupboard the past few months. Collect some non-perishables or even pick up some extra things while grocery shopping, and donate them to a local food bank or shelter.

5. Send homemade cards

Spend a few hours making cards to send to old friends and family. Not only is it fun, but it’ll mean more to them than most of the cliche gifts they’re used to getting.

6. Donate used clothes

It’s time to say goodbye to clothes you haven’t worn in the past year or two. There’s no better time than the holidays to go through your things and donate what you no longer need.

7. Leave a generous tip

Next time you have great service, double the tip. Restaurants can be crazy around the holidays, so your server will appreciate the kind and hard-to-come-by gesture.

8. Bake treats for your neighbors or coworkers

And if the kitchen isn’t your area of expertise, some store bought goods will do just fine.

9. Donate blood

Though this is something important regardless of the time of year, it’s an incredible way to give back during the holidays. You can check saving three lives off your list when you’re done with this one.

10. Donate to a local charity

If time is one thing you can’t give, try donating to a local charity. It’s nice to know where your money is going and the direct impact it can have in your community.


Content creator. Editor. Pop culture enthusiast.