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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oswego chapter.


I see them all the time

Everyone and their groups 

But here I am alone again

I never really fit in with them

I never really had those friends

That stay there until the end.

They say goodbye to you 

But they come back again

Another night. When I say

Goodbye to my friends I don’t 

Usually see them again.

Everyone knows how life goes,

Life changes like the wind blows,

Constant and consistent.

We get busy we don’t talk.

I would give anything 

To walk back to you after

A long day, and party 

The night away one last time.

I wish you would have stayed.

Unshared Interest 

I always think of you.

The times we shared.

I know that you cared. 

I know that I didn’t. 

However, I guess caring

All by itself is never

Truly enough, now is it?

Those eyes 

I could have sworn

I saw the entire globe

And every ray of

Sunshine after a cloudy day

In those pretty eyes.

Oh brother, not another

One with mesmerizing eyes.

Falling In Love 

That feelings back again.

The one when you realize 

You don’t want to be friends.

You realize you want to

Watch the night end,

With the same person

You still call just a friend.

It’s raining 

The rain keeps finding me

Just when I assume that

Just maybe, there will be

Some sunlight, it rains all night.

I can’t get away, or enjoy the day

Everything I want to say, is

Usually ruined by a cloud’s overlay.

 Unexpected friendship 

I never thought that,

I would meet someone.

Someone who gets me.

Someone to laugh with.

Someone to share secrets.

I never knew I needed you,

Until you and I shared,

One awkward laugh in the quad.

Now, I can’t even imagine life,

Without you in it. 


Every night I sit,

at the same table.

I look at the road,

I watch the cars go

by. I look at the sky

I wonder why am I

still awake this late?

I should go to bed

but instead, I sit

outside, feel the

wind hit my skin

and I listen to the

world I’m trapped

inside of. Between

loneliness and seeing

others, between being 

awake and asleep, in

between realities. I 

know my alarms going 

to go off in an hour,

and I still haven’t gone

to bed yet. I’ve been at 

this table watching the 

sunrise. I don’t want to

sit at this table anymore.

I don’t want to listen to the

rain pour. I don’t feel like

listening anymore.

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Kayla Hill

Oswego '25

My name is Kayla, I joined HerCampus, to explore my potential as a writer. I'm passionate for writing poetry, but have done other forms of creative writing in the past. When I'm not writing, I dual major in Sociology and Criminal Justice, with a Photography Minor. When I graduate, I plan to follow my dreams wherever they take me!