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The Top 10 Ideas of 2010 According to the New York Times Magazine

By the time December rolls around, every magazine touts their lists of the year’s best in trends, foods, and movies. But yesterday, the New York Times Magazine honored the sheer power of thought when they named the top 10 ideas of 2010. From the troubling (a youth-sized condom!) to the functional (a bra that doubles as a gas mask), this article provided an interesting way to consider the future of our society. And whether it’s bright and full of promise, or simply bewildering, is something you’ll have to decide for yourself. Read the article here

source: http://bit.ly/gJa7KL

Nikki Fig is a Broadcast Journalism major at Emerson College. She writes, produces and reports for shows on several Emerson television stations and is a web writer for Emerson's lifestyle publication, Em Mag. She is also the Philanthropy Chair of Alpha Epsilon Phi and recently returned from a study abroad program in Israel. Nikki is graduating in May and plans to move back to New York City. She wants to pursue a career in journalism that will enable her to combine her love of fashion, travel and culture.