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What did you do last night, collegiettes?  Stay out late at the bars? Trudge home from the library in the wee hours of the morning? Odds are, with finals coming up and holiday parties going down, you’ve been losing some sleep. It’s tough to keep your makeup and skin looking great after all those late nights! Cue makeup artist Faye Wypiszynski: founder and owner of Feya Cosmetics based in Chicago, IL.  Faye knows how to keep you looking fresh and awake.  After all, her past clients include Tipper Gore—if she can make a politico’s wife look alive on a grueling campaign trail, she must be able to make us collegiettes look alive during finals.  Read on for her insider tips

Don’t be afraid of oil!  
Faye notes that young women often make the mistake of avoiding oil-based soaps like the plague.  She insists that “oil on top of the skin generally won’t make you break out.  Young skin in changing weather often dries out too much, causing the surface skin to flake.”  Faye recommends switching to a milder, milky cleanser in the winter months.  Replace missing moisture with a gentle face wash like Cetaphil.

Avoid harsh products.  
Faye advises against using “constant-exfoliating products like Proactiv” without giving your skin a rest.  Products that use harsh agents to control acne are actually more effective if you don’t use them constantly, says Faye.  This way, you can get the benefits of exfoliation without over-drying your skin in the cold months.

You knew that, right?  While this sounds like a no-brainer, it’s important to think about the products you’re using—all moisturizers are not created equal.  Faye swears by Bioelements products.  With fun names like Calmitude and reasonable prices for professional skincare, I can’t wait to try them out!

Clean up around your eyes. 
Faye insists that the best way to make your eyes look fresh in the morning is to wash all your makeup off at night.  It seems simple, but I know I’ve woken up with mascara smeared on my pillow on more than one occasion . . . and I’ve never looked that good on those mornings.

Bronze the right way. 
To girls that are still bronzing their entire face in December, Faye would like to remind you: “It’s not summer anymore.” She’s not opposed to using a powder bronzer in the winter months, but advises you switch up the application. “Instead of using a big powder brush all over your face, use a smaller blush brush to apply bronzer more like blush,” she says.  This will give you a warm (read: living) color to your cheeks, but look natural and realistic (read: not Snooki).

Keep your tricks under the radar. 
Faye advises against using obvious makeup tricks to make you look more awake, like lining your eyes with bright white liner.  “I don’t like the obvious white liner . . . it’s too noticeable.”  Using a white to “brighten up” your eye area can actually have the opposite effect and draw attention to a less-than-perky looking area.  The goal is to look naturally radiant, so try a concealer under eyes instead.

Mascara and Lipgloss. 
The easiest way to look brightened up?  A swipe of mascara and a swipe of a “pretty, fresh-colored” gloss, applied on your way out the door.  The mascara opens your eyes, and the gloss brings color to your face (and keeps your lips from looking dry and cracked).

After chatting with Faye, I feel confident that this finals/party season, I will NOT over-dry my skin, and I will use makeup to cover up, not draw attention to, flaws.  I feel brighter and lighter already, and I’m running on four hours of sleep!  What do you do to stay looking perky, collegiettes? 

Faye Wypisynski, Feya Cosmetics
Photo Sources:

Allie Jones is an English and American Studies double major at the College of William and Mary.  She's interned at W magazine and is currently the Senior News Editor at The Virginia Informer.  When she’s not chatting up colonial impersonators in Williamsburg, Allie drinks too much black coffee and thinks about going to the gym. She enjoys singing for her friends and planning parties for her chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma. Allie looks up to Liz Lemon, Carrie Bradshaw and Jon Stewart; 2 ½ of which, she realizes, are fictional characters. You can find out more about the high-brow television programs she watches over at her Twitter, @allierileyjones.