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Ways to Support the Black Lives Matter Movement

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.

Over the past few years the Black Lives Matter movement has garnered a lot of attention, some positive and some negative. There are also other movements that have began for black people that face interlocking forms of oppression, such as Say Her Name. Supporters have been seen and heard all over the country, but some supporters want to know what more can we do and how can we really have our voices heard? Not everyone is able to attend walks, sit-ins, and any other traditional protest. Many people say that these protest do not work well anymore, and the message is being misconstrued and lost in translation. Well this list is to show you that you there are other ways to support and protest.

1. Boycott businesses that don’t respect the movement

Many businesses have made a joke of the Black Lives Matter Movement. This lack of respect towards the movement shows a level of disregard for the message that protesters nation wide have been trying to spread for years. No matter if they use it as a “witty” play on words or as blatant support of the oppressor, you can support the movement by spending your money elsewhere. With large businesses, stores, and coporations the best way to show your disapproval is by keeping your moeny and spending in other places. 

2. Boycott entertainers who’s message you disagree with

This has the same message as before in mind as far as actors, athletes, performers, television shows, movies, and other forms of media. Especially for artist who profit off of black culture, black bodies, and black money, but remain silent during times of turmoil. These artists clearly only care about the monetary benefit black people provide and new trends black people create, not the black lives attatched. For sections of the black community, such as women and LGBTQ members, that face interlocking forms of oppression do not feel like you have to support black entertainers that do not support you! Many entertainers objectify women, blatantly disrepect LGBTQ members, and embarass or humilate black women, so there is no need to support them when they clearly do not support you in return. While boycotting them remeber to support those who support you! 

3. Educate yourself about the past

Racism and Anti-Blackness are not new concepts and it is not just an American concept either. Due to the rise of social media, more people are aware of the injustices in minority communities, but they are not educated on how long these problems have been occuring in said communities. Many cultures and and countries have a long history of treating people with darker complexions poorly. Educating yourself on the Anti-Blackness that has continued throughout history will allow you to see the injustices that black people have faced throughout time. Also it is important to educate yourself on how other races have impacted the black race positiviely and negatively, the root of certain stereotypes, and the gloomy relationship between black people and law enforcement.

4. Pay attention to current events

Paying attention to current news through various outlets and social media will keep you updated on injustices in America and around the world. If you are educated about the past injustices and issues that plague the black population, you will be able to better assess the issues facing the black community today.  Learning about the past will teach you about cultural appropriation and help you realize why it is not okay for white celebrities to wear cornrows and bantu knots while black girls have been criticized for their style for years! 

5. Allies speak up If you are not a black person but you support the movement speak up when you see injustices. Black voices have been smothered for years, so if you have the voice to speak with us, then speak with us! Communicate with your friends of color to gain a better understanding of what Black America faces on a daily basis, you may be surprised by the answers and response you come across. Also educate yourself on the injustices that minority groups have faced for so long so you can have an even greater understanding on why Black America is so “mad”. 

6. Buy black

SUPPORT BLACK BUSINESSES!! This is a great way to show support to the black community. Put your money back into the black businesses/companies, instead of businesses that do not respect nor value your life. There a number of sites that alow you to search for black owned busniesses. Two popular places that help you locate black owned businesses are the WhereU app, available in any app store, and the Black-exchange page on Tumblr. 



Toni Miles is a Mass Media Major with aspirations of writing, producing her own documentaries, and directing short films in the future. 
Her Campus at Valdosta State.